Matt's Birthday! 9/13! I forget how old he turned..somewhere in the early 30s. That's Cami sitting next to Matt. She stayed here for a while, but left after the beet harvest. There are better places to be than Renville.

Baltimore Bill showed up all the way from Baltimore! j/k he did show up all the way from Minneapolis though. And that's Erin, my other house mate here besides Matt.

That's Raz under the Renville County map. Maybe you remember the time I told of us going down to the farm where he scared the piler kids shitless with a Chain saw! good times, good times :)

Then we all went to the bar, where we met up with some piler kids. See all these crusty kids show up every year to do beet harvest. I used to hang out with crusties back in the day. I wasn't as crusty as them, but they still thought I was ok anyway.

Little did I know, in about a month and a half, Steph would wind up hitting me in the head with a glass after someone else whacked my eye open with a pool cue! But tonight she is trying to help me get a shot of Jody the bartender who really does NOT want her picture taken.

Here in Minnesota a pack of cigarettes costs $5, but you can still get a pouch of roll-your-own for $2.

Ha! I *did* grab a shot of Jody the bartender. Har HAR!

It's that CAT! No one seems to like her except for me, and she gets on even my nerves sometimes. She can be really annoying, but she keeps the house free of mice. Sometimes, she even catches rabbits and birds when the weather's warm.

Here we have Charisse and Ross. They both left after beet season. Charisse was going to stick around and work in the factory but she changed her mind...

It's not a party until somebody passes out with her face in some dude's crotch!

She passed out like 2 or 3 times throughout the night, but always she got back up again for more...

heh then we took a bunch of pictures of each other.

woohoo Milwaukee's Beast! crappy beer from the bowels of Miller brewery in Milwaukee after they got bought out! So it's true: Milwaukee's Beast is still made in Milwaukee.

I don't know what I was doing here but the picture looks all triiiiipy. I heard the other guy quit near the end of beet season. Guess he couldn't take the endless beetdown.

All in all, Matt's birthday was a fun night!

the grueling Tare Lab


