I actually went to the Mission Distrcit a few times, to get a bicycle, to try various burrito joints, etc. This time I would ride through on the way somewhere else and take a few pictures. Mission District is noticeably warmer than the rest of town, since a coastal mountain known as the Twin Peaks blocks the sea breeze and creates a pleasant microclimate.
I kind of knew Desiree would not be there at SFSU cause she had the day off that day. I went there and used the internet at their library for a while. Then I rode over the Twin peaks, which probably is the highest elevation in SF. There's a huge, and from what I'm told, unused, radio tower atop the peaks. It's kind of a rich neighborhood up there, even more so than the rest of SF.
I stopped near the top to grab a few shots overlooking the city...
I zipped down the other side of the Peaks, toward Market Street and Downtown. Right at the bottom of the hill I noticed my back wheel was fishtailing and that I had a flat tire! Now I had been putting off figuring out a good way to carry my patch kit so I was without one. I was right at the beginning of the Castro though so i thought it wouldn't be much problem finding a bike shop. WRONG! The nearest one was a little over 2 miles away, back in the Mission District. I walked.
Here is the huge and, so I'm told, unused, radio tower atop Twin Peaks. I like how the fog sometimes obscures the base so that it looks like it's floating on clouds.
 This snailgina was stenciled onto the sidewalk right on the way back to where I left my back-wheel-less bike locked up in Castro.
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