April 10th, 2005, Sue Sniblet took me out to Ridley Creek State Park

We set off on the Blue trail.

After going up and down a few hills, we met the White trail and followed Ridley Creek a bit.

Yay for self-timers in cameras! I think I set the camera on the big ol'log above to take this next picture:

After another while of following some more trails, Sue wanted to venture out on an unmarked trail, most likely a deer trail.

I spied a 4" centipede on the ground and managed to get my camera out and turned on quickly enough to take these 3 pictures:

Click these 3 to enlarge the centipede.

Sue petted the myriapod, cause it was so cute :)

These next 3 remind me of the cover of REM's album 'Murmur'. Maybe that stuff really is kudzu. I know I've seen kudzu around here already, but I can't yet identify it without leaves...

Back on the human trail, we pose for another timed shot. This time I was able to balance the camera on a rock at just the right angle.

We drove over to the other side of the park, near where the rangers' office is. There's an old stone mansion here with a spectacular yard.

This frog got petted by a Snib too. he didn't move though, he was so comfortable, or else the water was just cold.

Here is the frog in the light of a flash: big difference! I haven't decided which frog shot I like better.

This tree is being devoured by thick vines.

In back of the stone house runs a pretty creek. Here the creek poses with a pretty Snib!

None of the pictures of the house came out well. That is why you don't see any here.
