It took a couple of days to drive to Seattle, where I visited my brother and his lovely wife! We went out to eat, drink, and be merry at the Elysian brewery shortly after I arrived. Pretty good beer; I didn't find it spectacular, but it's VERY close and convenient to their place. If I lived here I just might make a habit of it. If I recall, the food was quite good, but I had just driven all that way, and my memory was blurred as I was very tired. Indeed I passed out for HOURS almost as soon as we got back to their home.
Next day we went to Pioneer Square market. The OMG Original Starbucks is there! It was funny how many people were taking pictures of the place. Original Starbucks mermaid is older and a little more full figured than their present corporate logo. Plus she shows TIT! You can look it up on Google. I didn't take any pictures of the place. I did take a few shots at Pioneer Square but decided I didn't like any of them. However, once we got on the ferry to Bainbridge Island, many great photo ops presented themselves:
First, a couple of family shots. lol now you're looking at my family photo album. What am I doing here? IS THIS WHAT BNIBLET.COM HAS BECOME???
Holy crap..I'm in Seattle..and it's NOT RAINING!!!!
This sign coming up is actually within the last 2 pictures. I decided to do a close up since it struck a chord in my sense of funneh. I dunno maybe I'm just insane.
Nothing says SEATLLE quite like the Space Needle. Or as I was calling it that day, the "Sneedle". It sounds more Dr Suessian that way.
It looks kind of like the Jetsons' condo...doesn't it?
Oh yeah all this time we were on a BOAT.
And now, last picture before the next page, the fabulous Mt Rainier! Spelt the same as the word that means 'more rainy'. Coincidence? I THINK NOT!