It all started in the mall parking lot. I got on my bike, wondering where to ride, when I spied this strange structure. I thought the same thing many people probably think when they see it, namely, "What the fuck is that?"
Investigating, I soon found myself in a magical land. A land of infrastructure without structures.
Heart quickening, I realized I had crossed OVER THE LINE! I turned around and found I had done the unthinkable! I had passed BEYOND THE SPRAWL!
Everything was already in place.
Fire hydrants were already there to extinguish fires in houses that did not yet exist.
Parking was already forbidden!
Holy Cow! This is it! the edge of reality as we know it!
Sprawl marches on.
Here there be monsters.....
They probably call this "Whisper Ridge" because the walls will be so thin that any voice above a whisper will bring a sharp knock on the door from the friendly neighborhood police.
Hey look! There's that THING again? Just what IS it?
My best guess: It's how to build a water tower.
next stop: St Louis, MO road trip 2007 |